
iR Shell, una maravilla para la PSP


Actualización (27/05/2007): Acabo de publicar el artículo ‘Downgrade de la PSP: La guía definitiva‘ en el que he actualizado absolutamente todos los datos que están disponibles actualmente para ese proceso, así que si queréis resolver vuestras dudas, os recomiendo echarle un vistazo.

Había oído hablar de él, había leído cosas de pasada, había visto capturas, pero no me animaba a probarlo. Vaya descubrimiento. Ayer instalé iR Shell 3.0 en mi PSP y creo que es la aplicación homebrew más chula que he visto en todo este tiempo. Se trata de un Shell que sustituye al propio XMB (Xross Media Bar) de la PSP y que ofrece de un plumazo todas las características de la solución de Sony… y muchas más.

Para empezar, proporciona, al menos en parte, multitarea. Con la PSP no es posible algo tan tonto como ver las fotos que tienes almacenadas mientras escuchas música. Con iR Shell podrás poner la música y no sólo ver fotos, sino cargar un juego a través de DevHook y jugar con él mientras escuchas tu canción favorita, bloqueando el sonido del juego si así lo deseas.

El explorador de archivos que pone a nuestra disposición permite navegar por el contenido de nuestra Memory Stick, pero además permite acceder a los reproductores de este tipo de archivos a través de los llamados plugins. Los programas están ya instalados y no tienes que hacer nada para poder ver fotos, escuchar música, ver vídeos (a través de PMP y PMP AVC), y leer documentos TXT o PDF con el soberbio Bookr. Las aplicaciones reconocen el fichero y lanzan la utilidad asociada en cada caso, como si estuviéramos lidiando con Windows o Linux, algo realmente impresionante.

iR Shell también permite acceder a varias opciones avanzadas de la consola, como seleccionar la frecuencia de reloj a la que queremos que funcione, acceder a las aplicaciones homebrew instaladas, acceso al DevHook de forma directa, establecer alarmas, e incluso modificar los ficheros de la Memory Stick borrando o renombrándolos.

Además – por si fuera poco – es posible utilizar la PSP conectándola a un PC para poder acceder a su contenido tanto vía WiFi como vía USB, y creo, viceversa. No he probado esto – hay que instalar algunos ficheritos adicionales – pero los que lo han hecho no han parecido tener ninguna pega. Y por último, en plan pildorita final, está la posibilidad de controlar todo tipo de aparátos electrónicos al utilizar los códigos RDF que hay disponibles y que se usarán con este software y ese puerto de infrarrojos que no parece tener mucha utilidad. Un mando universal en tu PSP. Y todo totalmente configurable, con varios skins precargados y preparados para ser utilizados.

Increíble. Y si no que se lo digan a mi compi Luisito y a otros que lo han visto en marcha y han alucinado. Parece que estas navidades las ventas de la PSP van a aumentar 🙂

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172 comentarios en “iR Shell, una maravilla para la PSP

  1. Jocket_X dice:

    una kuestion….si yo le ago un downgrade a mi psp se keda en la version 1.5 no??pues si despues meto un umd ke te pide la version por ejemplo 3.5 para jugar ..ke pasa??puedo jugar ??no puedo?? komo deberia de acerlo para jugar a ese juego y a la vez poder kargar los isos de la memoria flash??gracias si me podeis resolver esta duda

  2. Estimados amigos PSPesistas:

    Continuo como al principio «jodido» con 3.11, me he suicidado tres veces, pero para nada, por lo tanto declaro publicamente que me hecho al barro. la voy a PIRATEAR, lo siento la virginidad es para nada, me han obligado a prostituirme en la ilegalidad. paso a la clandestinidad a partir de ahora. mi PSP no vale para nada.
    Atenta mente PIRATAS DEL PSP.

  3. hector dice:

    vuelvo escribiendo diciendo k me estreso con el irshell tanto k avente mi psp,necesito urgentemente instrucciones para instalarlo ,bueno ya les deje mi msn ok ahi se ven.

  4. Jesús dice:

    ola. Me piratearon la psp ace 5 meses y ultimamente todos los juegos k me bajo no me funcionan, ¿¿esto tiene k ver a k no me deje la psp actualizar y los juegos tengan una version k no me deja jugar con mi psp?? ¿¿es normal?? o necesito algun programa para jugar a estos ultimos juegos??

    Contestarme x favor. Gracias

  5. trasher92 dice:

    me gustaria saber una cosa. que riesgo existe al piratear una psp? me han comentado que puede ocurrir una cosa en la que la psp sufre un daño irreversible, es decir, no vuelve a funcionar.
    es posble que me ocurra?

  6. Pingback: Libros electrónicos, una revolución silenciosa

  7. ankho dice:

    oye suena q es un muy buen promgrama
    ya lo tengo bueno ya lo baje en mi mac pero el problema es q como lo instalo en mi psp alguien podria decirme

  8. ankho dice:

    estaba revisando q no es compatible con 3.8 m33-3 y la mia es 3.9 m33-3 q puedo hacer q solucion me dan ya tengo el irshell en mi mac
    alguien ayudeeme a instalarlo o q version de irshell puedo ponerle

  9. elnegro dice:

    como hiciste para bajar de actualizacion terngo la 6.20 y creo q todavia no salio el cf no? que tengo que hacer?para q me anden los isos?muchas gracias

  10. If you live in a region where water is very contaminated, it would be wise to
    consider another solution such as differing filters that you
    can fit around your home (shower filter, faucet filter or even a
    whole house filtration system which would ensure all of your water
    is as a good as getting it direct from one of natures springs.
    But now, with the disastrous flooding going on in Pakistan, we have seen
    firsthand that too much water is equally a killer as drought and dryness.
    Especially when used in times of a disaster, such as the flooding going on currently
    in Pakistan, solar water distillation ought to be used
    to give people some access to clean water.

  11. Does anyone know the website the has a list of online jobs?
    |I have a job interview friday to work as a cashier at panda express.
    . and im kinda shy and not that outgoing.. and i was hopeing i could get some good tips on
    things i could say so that i could get the job.
    .. thankx in advance!:). |Well… in this type
    of position you have to be out going and not shy of speaking up or
    over a mic…some places do that. If you want the job you have to show an interest of what you are applying for and in this case a cashier
    needs to know basic communication skills dealing with people
    that have different attitudes, and knowing you are there to help make things run smoothly.
    I would suggest when you talk to the person conducting the
    interview limit your answers to short but concise responses, and try not to use the word (um) in between your words.
    Keep eye contact, and strongly imply that you are willing to learn and develop more within
    in the company, and you like the thought of something challenging.
    My advice is simply be calm, and speak clearly do
    not put a lot of words in one sentence. Breathe in between thoughts.
    Well I hope you get the job, and all goes well. Oh!
    remember the interviewer wants to know you are there for the job not just for the money though you may be that is not the way to get the job.
    Good Luck!!|I have my first ever important job interview today and I really need some help.
    . |I need to start paying for myself and I’m getting annoyed asking my family when I need something and they can’t provide it.

    But I’m like 15 and I never tried to get a job before and i have no idea what to bring to a job interview.. Any tips?. Any jobs?. Any way I can look for jobs? ?. |Resume. Get software that will talk you through this. Skip the part about «job goals.» No one does this anymore. You put your name and contact information at the top, then the next thing you mention is the Job Number, highlight this. Use your teachers, church people, family doctor for references. Call these people first to ask their help. Have a section labeled «Community Interests.» You put your volunteer stuff, HS clubs, church things in this.. . Check every possible resource for jobs. That means online, in person, in the newspaper, word of mouth. Really big companies would not always post everything so apply to them too even if no job is available that day.. . You can earn money by mowing lawns and doing odd jobs until a real interview pops up.. . Not having enough money is a common thing for everyone. We are not meant to have everything we want. So after you finish school, you are given permission to buy everything with your own money. You will get some cool things, but also someone else telling you what you are going to do with the extra money you may have.|This will be my first job interview so any tips are appreciated, Im also planning on wearing khakis, black shoes, and a button up shirt, would that be appropriate?. |I have a job interview tomorrow at McDonalds. Any tips? I’m 17
    and have never had a job before. I really need this job.
    . |Can anyone give me tips on my first job interview?
    |So i have a job interview at Vans, and its my first job interview.
    I was wondering if anyone can give me tips / advice.

    And also, what should I wear? Nothing too much since its a skate shop.
    . . Thanks!. |Hey guys i have a job interview in an hour and i was wondering, what
    qualities are he/she going to be looking for in me? What mistakes to people make
    when going to job interviews, and any other tips you have would be great thanks!
    :). (btw its a job interview for a place like Sobeys for their seafood department).
    |Basically – Do you make a good initial impression on them.
    ..then comes skills, knowledge and all the other important stuff.
    …|I have an interview at Gloria Jeans coffee shop tomorrow.

    I really want this job and I was just wondering if anyone had any tips.
    I’m planning on wearing khaki pants a pair of heels and a black dressy shirt…but I’m open to
    suggestions on what to wear. Basically…I just want interview tips in general.
    .but if anyone has worked there and has suggestions that
    are more specific..it would be really appreciated.
    . |I once managed a coffee shop, and most importantly we
    looked for and hired friendly, articulate, energetic people who smiled
    ALOT!. . Go to your interview prepared to sell the manager
    on yourself! Be peppy! Be friendly, but MOST IMPORTANTLY smile.

    . . Also, if asked why you feel this job would suit you,
    make mention of enjoying working with people.

    . . If asked how you would be good to the customers, or to the business, tell them you would treat
    each customer with the service and respect that you have come to
    expect when you , yourself are the customer. Expect
    more, get more.. . I have a feeling you will do exceptional!

    |Am I one of a very few percentage of people struggling with job interview questions?
    |When I prepared for a job interview watching videos and tips, I still struggle with my answers.
    A job interview is my biggest barrier that ever prevents me
    from getting a job. I usually watch the job interview preparation videos multiple times and yet I’m struggling again. The problem is that when I’m
    asked a question, I have to think first before I give a really good answer and I don’t know what the interviewer might asked. There are a huge variety of questions they ask. I have watched many Youtube job interview training videos. Am I a very small percentage of people struggling with job interviews? I was assuming the percentage is a very small gap.. |There are many more people than you are aware of that struggle with interviews. What I recommend to my students is start doing what is called mock interviews with a family member, friend etc. who has work experience and you respect to give you positive feedback. You simply have a list of the possible questions that might be asked and have the person you selected to conduct this mock interview (they can also add some questions) and then have them give you recommendations on improvement and your approach. Good Luck!!|I have been in my current job for 3 years so it’s been a long time
    since I’ve had a new job interview.. I am so nervous! I am applying for a senior role; I have a portfolio ready, with all my certificates and qualifications, examples of displays I have carried out and evidence of nursery documents I have completed, such as planning, transfer documents, settling reports, etc. Do you have any interview tips that might help me?. |what questions should I ask during a job interview at Subway?|I have some experience with job interviews, and I’m used
    to answering most common questions, but I never really know what
    to ask at the end. It says on Subway’s interview tips sheet that candidates need to ask questions. I have NO idea what to ask (and this is probably why I’ve been
    unemployed for a long time now) anyone have any suggestions?
    . |20 Possible Questions to Ask at Job Interview. . 1. What would you consider
    the company?s strengths and weaknesses compared to your competition?
    . 2. How much regard does the upper management
    have on the functions of this position/department?. 3. How will my performance subject
    to the responsibilities of this position be measured? How often and by whom?

    . 4. What skills and abilities do you necessitate on someone holding this position
    so he/she will succeed?. 5. What is the company?s plan in the next five years and how does the organization intend to achieve that?
    How does this position/department fit in to such goals?

    . 6. What are the daily tasks for this position?
    . 7. What do you think can I deliver to add value?
    . 8. What is that one most important thing you require
    of me within the first 90 days of my employment?. 9.
    What is the company?s policy on transfers or relocation?. 10.
    Would you describe the ideal employee of your organization?

    . 11. How much freewill will I have for decision-making in my first assignment?
    . 12. What?s the ratio of routine, daily work can I expect?
    . 13. How will you describe a normal week? Is overtime expected in this position and
    how often?. 14. What strengths and weaknesses do you see in
    me?. 15. What are the prospects for growth and
    development?. 16. How does one advance in the corporate
    ladder? Would you give me an example?. 17. What makes it nice to work here?

    . 18. Is this a new position? If not, what was the previous employee?
    s reason for leaving?. 19. How much opportunity is there to reap results for
    my efforts?. 20. What computer equipment and software do you use?
    |I’m 16, and i have my first job interview tomorrow at Kroger.. What are some tips?. |Try to show up sober, this always helps. Be clean, smell good not too much though and number one, be positive!!!! Don’t go over the top,
    but stay focused and with a high motivation to work hard
    and impress. Don’t be late either, ten minutes early. You’ll do great.
    Good Luck!|I have a job interview tomorrow in retail,
    just wondering if anyone could give me some tips as i
    completely failed in my last interview (which was only last week)
    so i’m a little low on confidence at the minute lol.. . Any help would be appreciated.. |Does anyone have tips for when going to job interview?|My husband has a job interview tomorrow, and im wondering if anyone has any good tips? He’s
    applying for a job with highways (clearing snow etc.
    ) does anyone have an idea what questions
    they may ask and what answers they may be looking for?

    . |i’m not sure about the questions they may ask, probably what previous jobs he’s had, if he’s handled machinery before ect.. ive got some tips though :D. – good posture [don’t slouch in the chair
    – it’ll make you seem uninterested and not bothered about the job]. – nod and make eye contact to tell the interviewer you understand and are taking in what he/she’s saying, not just letting
    it slide over your head.. – a good, firm handshake.

    . – ask questions yourself, you’ll seem assertive and it shows you’re
    listening.. good luck!|What are good tips and typical questions and answers for a job interview?

    |Give me some tips on how to score a good interview, and
    typical questions they ask and good answers to give. (The job interview I
    have is Barnes and Noble book store). |I hope your interview is not over because there is
    so much you can do to prepare and make a success of it.
    Research the company, prepare some insightful questions to ask in the interview.
    Prepare good answers to typical interview questions such as «Why should we hire you?».
    Typical interview questions and sample answers are provided
    in the free website below. Good luck|I am a recent college graduate and I landed my first job interview for tomorrow.
    I just need all the tips you guys can give me.
    . . This job is for an entry level training job at a sales and consulting firm.
    . . Is it okay to ask questions like salary and what a typical day at the job will be like?
    . If he/she asks me what my desired salary is, how do I answer this?
    . What kinda stuff are they looking for when they ask stuff like
    «tell me about yourself». . Any other tips or possible situations will help.

    . |you can get help from the website that I have mentioned in my resource box.

    It is flooded with job interview tips and real stories of people who got through their interview or who could not.
    I think this can better help you than anything else.
    here is link|How to prepare for a sales representative job interview
    for a contruction equipment selling company?
    |I would like to get some tips and ideas on preparing myself for
    a sales representative job interview for a contruction equipment selling company.
    Would really appreciate it people. God bless all!
    !. |I have my first job interview tomorrow and I need some
    good tips or things I can expect at the interview.. |LIE.
    . . lol. . but seriously you need to brag on yourself big time, sit up straight and act really mature.
    . it depends on where you have an interview at but just say
    that you’re a good worker, you enjoy teamwork,. you’re
    honest, hardworking, eager to learn and always looking for advancement|I have a Disneyland job
    interview at Monday and I really want the job.
    I’m afraid I’ll screw it up. Can someone offer
    me any tips? thanks.. |What questions should I expect for my first job interview?
    |I have a job interview coming up for Universal Studios.
    It’s for the Attractions Attendant position part-time.. . I’ve never worked before and this
    is the first interview I’ve been called back for. So I have no experience in working or answering interview questions. So does anyone have any idea what I should be expecting on interview day? . . Also, helpful tips would be much appreciated like what to wear (I’m a
    nineteen year old girl) and what to bring and so on.
    . |Ive got my first really big job interview coming
    up on wednesday have you got any other tips rather than «imagine their naked»
    or «sitting on the loo» Its for assistant manager of
    a clothing store.. Thanks, Dawn.. |My best advice to you would be to research the job you are interested
    in, find out what is required to do the job, information on the company, their ideas for
    expansion and growth. Even knowing what
    their stock is trading for helps, when the company started, how many employees.
    Dress up for the job (I would recommend a business suit – even if that’s more than what the job requires). Don’t ever where jeans or t-shirts
    to a job interview. Your dress shows you mean business and you want the
    job. Bring letters of recommendation from other
    employers if you have them. Don’t talk negatively about your last employer even if you can’t stand them.

    Don’t be afraid of the people interviewing you, they too at one time were being interviewed for job opportunities. It’s a tough job market now, but hang in there you
    will find a job, remain positive, don’t give up.|Ok so I’m
    16 and Ive been applying at so many jobs and I FINALLY got an interview at Sears and I want
    to do really good at the job interview because its so hard to
    find any other places right now !. . Any tips or answers
    to the questions they’ll ask ? What should I wear ? I bought some cute black pants today specifically for it since I only have jeans. what shirt and shoes should I wear? But I want to stand out so not too Blah …And what about my hair I have long straight hair.. |When going to a job interview, it is important that you are properly dressed. You would actually be surprised to learn how many job applicants show up to a job interview in unattractive, unprofessional attire. Even if you are just applying for a job as a cashier at one of your local supermarkets, you are still advised to dress professionally for a job interview. Depending on the job you are applying for, a dress or a business suit may be called for; however, a simple pair of black pants and a white shirt is much better than a pair of jeans.. . You are also advised to bring a couple of copies of your resume to your job interview. Yes, you may have already submitted your resume to the employer giving you the interview, but it is important to remember that they probably received hundreds, if not thousands, of resumes. It is not unheard of for resumes to get lost or misplaced.. . Bringing along an extra copy of your resume shows that you are responsible and likely to always be prepared. In addition to brining an extra resume for the interviewer, it is also advised that you bring a copy for yourself. This will make reviewing your work history and education easier, as everyone would be on the same page.. . During the interview, you will be asked a number of different questions by the interviewer. One of the most common questions asked is about your strengths and your weaknesses. One of the biggest mistakes that a job applicant makes is stating that they don?t have any weaknesses. At the end of most interviews, most interviewers ask the interviewee, which would be you, if you have any questions. You are advised to ask questions. Many interviewers use the ?do you have any questions,? as a ploy.. . Many are turned off by interviewees who do not have any questions. Some even associated it with not be interested in the job or the company. Even if you ask about how the company got started or what the chances are for moving up the company ladder, you are advised to ask questions. Of course, be careful with the questions that you do ask. You don?t want to sound too pushy or overbearing.. . At the end of your interview, it is extremely important that you shake the hand of your interviewer and thank them for the opportunity. It is hard for some to imagine, but a simple thank you actually goes a long way nowadays, as it is hardly spoken anymore. It is also advised that you send a thank you note the interviewer you met with. This may not necessarily increase your chances of landing the job, but it will make you look professional.. . Good luck :). . -Michael|I have my first job interview on Wednesday for a Target store, and I am looking for some tips on the actual interview part. I know I need to dress appropriately and professionally and that I need to convey professionalism and confidence, as well as enthusiasm for the job. But I’m interested in tips on how
    to answer the interview questions, what things I need
    to bring to the interview, etc. Thank you in
    advance for your help!. |One thing I would say is ask questions at the
    end. think of a few just incase the interviewer covers them.
    this will show you are enthusiastic and interested in the job.
    . . Also research the company, it helps to have background knowledge even if its not needed its better to have it.
    . . DO NOT WEAR JEANS! I know you said you knew to dress smartly but I just
    want to stress that part more lol.. . try not to say eh hmm etc alot.
    It will be hard because you will be nervous
    but try your best.. . Have examples ready of times that you have shown you qualities: like helped a friend or team
    work skills or commitment. . . Good luck and even if you dont get the job
    you will have had good practice for the next interview.
    . . It took me many interviews to get my job so dont be disheartened and the way the world is today you done so good to get an interview.
    well done.|What questions can i ask at my job interview tomorrow at a fabric selling
    store?|This will be my 2nd job interview (i
    was unsuccessful at the previous one) so what are some helpful tips to make
    a good impression?. What would be some good questions i could ask aswell?
    . . Please and thank you!. |Be natural. Dress appropriately.
    Express interest in the company as well as the job, and
    that you are excited about all the experience and learning it
    will bring to you.. . That’s employer music. They boogie down to that stuff.|What would happen to employment if the government mandated a minimum wage above what employers currently pay?|A. Employment would go up.. . B. Employment would go down.. . C. Employment would stay the same.. |What health modality is licensed to perform an employment physical?|How was the Employment opportunities for women during the second Industrial Revolution?|Employment opportunities for women during the second Industrial Revolution was…. . A. changed in quality and quantity with the expansion of the service sector.. B. declined dramatically as prostitution became illegal . C. increased greatly with working-class men pushing their wives to work outside the home.. D. declined hen piece-work was abandoned as inefficient and «sweatshops» were outlawed. E. declined because labor unions forced government to restrict most employment opportunities t men only.. |What are the employment protection agencies are there in the Washington state?|What are the employment protection agencies are there in the Washington state? I have a family member who gets abused by her boss, who fabricates false information to her boss in order to fire her. I know that there are government agencies that protect employees from this kind of abuse by meeting and talking with them and consult on how to deal with these kind of issues. I cannot find them anywhere though. Can you help me, please? Thank you in advance.. |Temporary work through employment agencies. What are the consequences of leaving the agency for the employer?|I have temporary work through an employment agency. There is a possibility that the company have permanent positions but I have been told that the agency will charge the company if I start to work for them directly. Does any anyone know the rules around this?. |If the company hired you through the temp agency, they know what the rules and ramifications are for hiring you as a regular employee. If they offer you the job, take it and let them deal with the employment agency. The agency is just protecting themselves from losing the revenue they get by having you work through their agency. . . Companies pay temp agencies for the employees that are hired as long as they are in temporary status. And, this is much cheaper than paying for all of your benefits as a regular employee. It’s
    also a lot easier for them to dismiss you for any reason if either you don’t work out or they just don’t
    have the work for you any more. If they feel that they want you
    on as a regular employee, they can then invest that extra
    money in you (pay your benefits) along with your salary. And, they pay the temp agency
    a fee to let them out of their contract with the
    agency.. . As far as you’re concerned, there is no fee or penalty you have to pay. You just start working at the company as a regular employee.|Can you legally form an employment contract preventing termination? For example, if I find a new position, but really would like to stay at my current one. I only looked because of mass layoffs hitting the company recently. My boss likes me and would surely make a counter-offer for me to stay.. . Would it be possible to legally get them to sign a contract preventing them from «laying me off» for at least 2 years? Is there such a thing? . . I would like to stay, but am fearful of current circumstances with the company.. |Negotiations are done all the time. The higher up you are in your company, the more bargaining power you have. Your boss liking you may get you a higher salary, but not necessarily a guarantee of long term employment, especially if your company is downsizing for economic reasons. . Timing is crucial. If the time comes when you are prepared to move on and your boss does counter offer, then have the conversation of your concerns about future layoffs and see what he says. You may be able to negotiate some other benefits that will do you well if you stay and a layoff does happen.|What action can the government take to increase employment in the UK?|Are there any changes in employment law (to encourage employers to take on staff and people to take up jobs)) or other action in terms of spending on infrastructure (if so on what sort of projects) that might help? . . Also, what factors determine the level of employment in a country like the UK?. . Any guidance would be appreciated…… . Many thanks.. |This is a common question in economics. Under Keynsian economics the answer would be for the Govt to increase spending by investing in infrastructure projects. This allows the country to get value (such as new roads, railways, etc) whilst boosting the money supply and giving the construction business and its suppliers cash which then cascades to workers and other companies. Basically it is a case of boosting the demand side of the supply and demand equation.. . However, there are problems with this approach. For example if the work is won by a non-UK business only part of the boost to demand will work in the UK as foreign companies may use non-UK suppliers to undertake work or use their own staff to do the work in the UK on temporary assignment. This reduces the impact on the economy.. . An alternative approach which is based on free market economics is to cut the cost of employment by reducing business taxes and if possible personal taxes. This also creates demand as it increases the supply of money. Again there are some disadvantages. For example reducing business taxes will not increase the number of people employed if the businesses concerned are focussed more on delivering earnings per share or dividends to shareholders (and the company directors) and not to delivering more goods. This is especially true if there is no demand for their goods.. . Reducing personal taxes only works if people are confident enough to spend the additional monies on goods. In the current environment some people may be more focused on paying off their debts or would see their increased wages eaten away by the cost of food and energy price increases. As for businesses export demand is down as businesses in other countries see less demand for their goods and therefore reducing business taxes on companies exporting goods may be ineffective whereas we could see an increase in companies importing cheap goods in an effort to provide lower priced goods to consumers in order to capture their additional income from lower personal taxes.. . The determination of employment is based on supply and demand. If supply for domestically produced goods and services is high then UK companies will recruit people to work for them. If demand is low then supply will shrink and so will the number of people employed.. . In a global economy there are big impacts from other countries since if they can produce goods and services at a lower price than workers in the UK then work will be sent offshore and provided in those other countries. Whilst some jobs are replaced these are often low paid jobs as companies seek to gain a financial benefit from the higher rate of unemployment by setting up competing services or manufacturing using lower price domestic workers.. . Overall the creation of jobs is difficult and the Govt has to work very hard to balance the way it influences supply and demand.|How far back do background checks look at employment records?|I have lots of years of employment history, lots of different places as I’m the
    mother of 4.. . How far back, in years, will a potential employer check employment
    records? 7 years? I didn’t indicate employment going way back as I started working full time in 1978.. . Thanks.. I checked my credit report and all 3 reports only show the past 7 years. Is that what they use to check?. |As a background screening provider, the typical employment check is between 5-7 years. There are certain companies that wish to check back 10 years, but I have never heard of anyone going back 30 years.|What happens if you make $20,000 through your full time job, and $0 through self employment? Do you pay $0 for the self employment tax as a self proprietor? Or, do you still have to pay using $20,000 as the total income? Please help me someone. Thanks.. |What is the Employment Security Act of 1946 and what does it have to do with national macroeconomic policy and?|What is the Employment Security Act of 1946 and what does it have to do with national macroeconomic policy and the Phillips Curve?. |What is the Clearance Certificate for obtaining employment visa in Oman?|I am planning for obtaining employment visa from Oman, what is the clearance certificate which is requested before applying to visa?. |The No Objection Certificate. . Once this has been authorized a number will be sent to the airport you are flying from and it is only then that you can board the flight. At Muscat airport you can exchange your number at passport control and they will then hand you your Visa. The NOC can only be obtained from Seeb International airport but most hotels can arrange one for you within a week.. . . A visitor can also enter Oman on a No Objection Certificate (NOC). The certificate is issued by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour (for domestic employees) or by the Chamber of Commerce (for businessmen). This has to be arranged in advance by the Omani sponsor or employer. The NOC can be arranged for in the following ways:. . Prior to arrival The Omani Consulate or Embassy based in the employee’s country is sent the intimation to
    issue the NOC which is collected by the employee.
    S/he can then enter Oman directly for employment.
    A residence visa is then issued once the s/he has entered the country.
    . After the employee’s arrival The employee enters Oman on a Business visa, after which an application is made for an NOC for employment. Once this is obtained the person has to leave and re-enter Oman with the NOC.|What is the best way to prepare for interview questions and answers while searching for employment?|Searching for employment, and seeking possible questions and answers for candidates, and questions to ask the person conducting the interview.. |The expectations of the company will have to met by the answers, which follows the following step, whatever may be the co.,:. 1. Professional area in which the work is concerned. 2. Experience gained from previous job, if any. 3. Knowledge on the present co., and its functions generally. 4. Why you chose to leave a previous co., or why you have not gone for further studies and seek employment. 5. What you expect to gain from the work, if offered. 6. A general question to assess your personality and your views on subjects concerning your attitude.. The above are asked and sometimes family background and about friends to assess the type of person you are. It is an exercise to know by the co., that they are offering the employment in your and their interests for long lasting relationships for many Cos., spend money and time on training . people. . VR|I am thinking about starting an employment agency and would like to know how they charge. Do they charge the person who needs an employee or the person who needs employment? How do they know if the person has been employed by the company? Do they just pay for the lead? What is the usual rate? Any info would be appreciated!. |What are the employment agency that charge you to find a job?|In the UK employment agencies charge the employer not you. if they charged the unemployed looking for a job they would go bankrupt. If you state what sort of job your boyfriend is looking for perhaps we could be of more help.|Employment Insurance: Not able to produce a detailed list of places I applied to?|What are the consequences for not being able to produce a detailed job search history for employment insurance? I was looking for work but I didn’t keep a list of who I applied to.
    I just received a questionnaire asking if I was available for work and for proof.

    . . Most of my search was through social networking (in the business sense) and I couldn’t provide dates and times if I wanted to.. |Depends on the insurance company.. . Ask them what proof they will need to substantiate the job searchs.. . Not really sure what Employment Insurance is but with all other types of insurance, the policy is taken on the grounds of Utmost good faith – in other words, they believe what you say unless given a reason to believe otherwise.. . Ring the Insurance company and ask the,m|I signed an offer with a premium hotel in Dubai & they are applying the employment visa, on my behalf. How long does it take generally & maximum how much time it can take?My present company needs a month notice period, to get a release letter. Will it be wise to put down the papers after I receive the visa?Or putting down the papers right now is advisable?. |To issue an employment entry permit to the UAE usually takes 2-3 weeks if all docs are in order. . When you should resign from your current job, depends on the date you are suppose to start your new position. Do you still have any leave days left? If yes, don’t forget to deduct the same of the 30 days notice.

    |Is it possible to get a refund from self employment when I haven’t paid any taxes?|I have not yet paid any taxes or had any deducted from my self-employment earnings, but TurboTax is showing that I’m due
    a refund. Is this possible? Could it be because of the EIC?
    Again, I have not paid any taxes at all this year, so I’m confused how I can get a refund.. |The EIC and the Additional Child Tax Credit are called refundable credits. What that means is that you can get money back that you didn’t pay in and the only credits which can help lower self employment taxes.

    |What is the best method to obtain employment? By internet
    posting jobs, word of mouth, networking or by reading the classifieds help wanteds and calling to
    make interviews or by going to the Department of Labor and posting jobs and
    taking classes that way?. |I would say put on something
    nice, (first impressions still matter) Walk into
    the place of employment, sell yourself be prepared, and always give eye contact!
    !!|What Self employment taxes do i have to pay , how much , and how?

    |What taxes does one have to pay being self employed..
    Self employment tax (social security and medicare) I assume , and then Federal & State taxes.
    . Could someone give me definites and what percentages do you
    pay on say someone making under $50,000 a year and how
    would you go about paying them. I looked on the IRS site and theres just a insane of ammount of information which is like no
    information at all.. Thanks for the help in advance.. And I live
    in Illinois .. By the way :). |How do I know what information will
    come up on a prior employment background check?
    |I’m interested in a job that says they do a prior employment background check. I need to know what info will come up for me. I have had quite a few jobs and don’t remember the exact start/end dates for all of them.
    I don’t want to put incorrect info on the job application and then have them disqualify me for the position because of incorrect dates. What can I do to get this info?. |All a former employer is allowed to tell someone that is inquiring about your employment with them is Yes she/he worked and the length of time and dates. They can’t get into to much detail.
    |How do you find out of an at home/online employment opportunity is legit?
    |I have seen many postings about at home and online employment.
    Most of these places have an application process which of course asks for personal information and I am a little skeptical to provide this information.
    Any ideas on how to weed out the legit from the fake?. |You could perform a search on the Better Business
    Bureau website. It helps if you know the location of
    the business.. . I recommend also taking a trip down to your local employment office and asking if they’ve heard of the company(s) in question. Good Luck!|What effect has been made by technology advancement on employment?|I am looking whether rate of employment decreased or otherwise, whether new sources opened other than already exists. Actually what is the overall picture?. |Look in positive way. Employment increases with increase in technology just compare there were no jobs in google, cd company, optical fiber, mobile etc 100 years back.. But your question is right in a way that automation reduces the job opportunities because there is one machine instead of ten persons.|How long is the employment required and when to file the claim to be qualify for unemployment benefits?|I ask this Q for someone i know.. Employment was in CA from July 2008 until yesterday.. . Can worker qualify to file unemployment benefits and when should file the claim? does worker must wait 3 months later to file?. is there any new change in law on the claim recently about more time extention of benefits or medical insurance after layoff; etc.?. . thanks in advance for answers.. California.. |In most states you must be employed for 6 months. A few allow you to make a reduced claim after 12 weeks. As for when to file, it varies from state to state. You can get information for your state from your local employment agency. Medical benefits after layoff are covered by ERISA, a very large and complex federal statute.|How long does the IRS allow to pay self employment taxes ?|I think that I will have to pay self employment taxes for the first time. Will they allow me an extension and/ or the opportunity to create a monthly payment plan to pay off the taxes if I do not have the money immediately ?. Thank you. |Yes, they will allow you a payment plan. But, it isn’t free.
    If you want to send them a check every month the
    cost is $105 for the agreement…if you let them take it directly out of your account every
    month then the cost is $54. Both of those amounts are
    a one time fee.. . And, then you will also have to pay penalties and interest
    on the amount due. I do know that a failure to pay on time is 1/2% per month or part of a month capped at 6%.
    I am not current on the current interest rate but I would guess around 7% compounded daily. I just looked it up it is actually 6%
    compounded daily. I was right but they dropped it a percentage point for the second quarter
    that starts April 1st.. . And, with this agreement you have to stay current with all payments.
    ..that includes estimated payments for self employment.. .

    The IRS isn’t the cheapest place to get credit. You might consider borrowing it from somewhere else at a cheaper rate if you can.. . Hope this helps|What does a permanent employment contract in Malaysia look like?|I need to design a permanent employment contract for Malaysian workers, but I can’t find the details/particulars on what it should contain anywhere.
    . . Can someone help me please?. . Tnx!. F.. |I’ve used the free employment contract template on the site listed below. You should know or find our what your specific labor laws allow or disallow, then you can adjust this agreement to suit your specific business needs. Hope it helps.|How much weight does a credit check have in gaining employment?|I was wondering two things. First, what is the purpose of a credit check for employment at places like WalMart? I understand background checks, but a credit check? Also, if I do not have good credit, does that mean I cannot be hired for places like this? I just really don’t get
    the point of it if everything else is fine why
    a credit check matters. Please explain.. |are there good employment opportunities for a graduated in aerospace engineering?
    |I am thinking about studying aerospace engineering for college.
    Before I apply, I really need to know what the employment opportunities are.

    Am I likely to get a job quickly after I graduate?
    What is the salary range for beginners? Aerospace
    engineering is really tough, and I need to know if I will get
    a high income job after studying hard. I would really love to get such degree,
    but I must look ahead and think about my future.
    I hope some of you will be able to help me!. Thanks much!
    . |I’m working on a university application and there are sections for both but I’m not really sure what constitutes as unpaid employment.
    I took a hospitality class for 2 years where I cooked and served lunch for student/teachers at my
    school, would that count even though it’s a class? I also have more volunteer work than there is room for so could I put some of it under unpaid employment?. |The terminology is vague – why don’t you contact someone in admissions for the university and ask them directly what
    their definition of unpaid employment is. It doesn’t matter what people on Y! think – it matters what the university thinks.|What is the proper ettiquete for e-mailing about a potential employment opportunity?|I went to a company’s
    website and clicked on the link for employment opportunities.
    That link just takes me to the general manager’s e-mail address. Should I e-mail this person or try to find another way to make contact? How should I phrase the e-mail and should I ask for an application? This seems very strange to me and I don’t want to mess up before I start!
    . |if you choose to email, make sure your subject line includes the position title.
    the body of the email should be formal like a business letter and should be
    addressed to a specific person. you can state in the
    letter that the link for employment opportunities directed you to that person.
    |Will an employment agency work with someone from another
    city?|I live 3 hours away from where I want to work.
    Will an employment agency in the city I want to work in work with someone who lives 3 hours away?
    Or are they more likely to give preferential treatment to someone who already lives there and doesn’t have to move.. |Your question intrigues me – will you be commuting each day to and from your job? If you get a job in a city 3 hours away will you be moving to that city? or do you have relatives or friends that you intend to bunk with during the work week? There is no reason any employment agency will not endeavor to place you in a job, they have a contract to find people for jobs. They don’t make any money unless they can find warm bodies for employers.

    |I have a lot of gaps in my employment history and have only been able to land seasonal and temp jobs.
    Its been a year since my last steady job and I need to make a living.
    Are there any non factory jobs that don’t check your employment history?. |Anyone worth their salt will check employment history. You have to ask yourself, and tell your employer as well, truthfully, what has changed in your life and why this time you will act differently and be committed to what you do.|What information is a previous employer legally allowed to release regarding your employment with them?|This question applies to the state of California.. . I have been told that employers are only allowed to confirm dates of employment, nothing more, such as the nature of your departure from the company. I want to know if this is true, and to what extent.. . The reason for asking this question is, I want to know whether or not the fact I was fired from a company will hinder my future employment.. |Dates of employment and whether you’re rehire able is all they can legally give.
    Other information is allowed only if you sign a release allowing more information, which some potential employers will ask you to sign.
    |How do I get my employment records from the Dept of
    Labor?|I need to get my employment records showing hire/fire dates.
    Is there any way I can get this info from the Dept of Labor?
    . |There is no such thing as a formal employment record.. You
    are responsible for maintaining your information.
    |A good friend of mine began working for a nationwide company upon which
    he signed an employment contract that contained
    things like details of hours to be worked, vacation times, van responsibilities and other general aspects
    of employment. Neither have breached this contract. Now, two and a half years later, he
    says he wants everyone to sign a NEW employment contract with details my friend does not agree with.

    Now, I do understand the «at will» state we live in, so if my friend does not want to sign this new contract,
    could he be fired? Further, I was told by the Pennsylvania dept of labor said that his boss could
    lower his salary with one hours notice to begin from that point
    further. So, my question is, what is the benefit of an employment
    contract anyway? I thought it was for the benefit of both the employer and the
    employee, kind of locking the details of the employment into a contract.
    But if he can change these details at will and lower
    salary at will as well, what GOOD is this contract anyway?
    Since he did not breach this contract, would he have any recourse should he decide not to
    sign this new contract?. |Usually an employment contract
    is for a specific period of time. If a contract specifies a certain salary, then your friend should receive that salary.
    . . If the Pennsylvania Dept. of Labor says that his compensation can be changed
    at any time, then perhaps what he has is not really
    a contract. If that is the case, then the document
    will not help your friend.|What happens to
    prices, output and employment when productivity increases?|What happens to prices,
    output and employment when productivity increases?

    . . a. all three rise. b. prices rise, output and employment fall.
    c. prices fall, output and employment rises. d. only prices rise.
    . I am having trouble thinking this one through, help me
    understand why you chose the answer you choose. Thanks in advance.
    . |Use your noggin, i’ll answer since no one else will. If you make pancakes and your level of production of pancakes rises (productivity rises) your output of pancakes has to increase, right? If you have a factory that produces pancakes and to increase output you have to find more help, right? So employment rises. If there are more pancakes in the market, assuming demand stays level, then prices fall since there’s more product.
    So answer is C.|Can I reject the job after signing a employment offer
    acceptance letter?|I signed an employment offer acceptance letter.
    I’m starting to have second thoughts. Is it OK for me to tell them that I am no longer interested? What are the legal ramifications against me?. |Not having seen the letter, it is difficult to definitively say yes or no either way.. . However, if you have not accepted goods, monies, training or other services from the employer by signing the letter, and its not a military job offer (different employment laws apply), then yes probably you can easily extract yourself.. . You need to call the hiring manager, and explain your reasons to them. Think: it may just be nerves or unanswered questions that creating a lost opportunity? If you have had a counter offer from your existing employer, be aware that only 2/3rds of employees are there after 12months once a counter offer is made – something else apart from money or power made them want to seek pastures new.. . If you decide to go through with this, then you need to prepare a suitable letter rescinding your offer acceptance letter. Send this via Post Office recorded delivery, together with the original copy of the signed offer acceptance letter (making sure you take copies of each before sending them).. . Good Luck!|I signed an at-will employment contract, but then got another job offer. Can I get out of it without any penalties?. |Basically at-will employment means either you or your employer can terminate your employment at any time, for any or no reason. If whatever you signed stated you were an at-will employee, than yes. This document in that case would probably actually be an acceptance of a job offer rather than a contract, which voids at-will employment.|Greetings,. . I’m a Detroiter looking to seek employment and possibly residence in Canada.
    Most likely Windsor. . How do I start the process? What do I need to do?
    . I do have a BS in accounting but no work experience in accounting.
    My work experience include customer services. |What qualifications do you have?
    Highly skilled & highly educated? Do you qualify for an employment visa?
    See the Immigration Canada website for details on what is
    required. Do NOT start looking for a job in Canada until you are absolutly certain that you are fully qualified
    for an employment visa.. . If you meet or exceed every requirement, then you
    can start jobhunting. If you find a job, then your employer applies for the work visa, and you provide
    all the supporting documentation to prove you meet all visa requirements.
    . . Note that Canada’s workforce needs are rather limited and their unemployment rate is about 9%. Plus for any job for which a company might search internationally instead of locally, you are in extreme competition from around the world. Lots of people want to move to Canada. Very, very few qualify, and only a tiny percentage of those who qualify for work visas will ever find work there. Competition is tough.|What is SSA-1945, Statement Concerning Your Employment in a Job Not Covered by Social Security?|Form SSA-1945, Statement Concerning Your Employment in a Job Not Covered by Social Security is what exactly? Who does this document applies to? How does this affect a person who signs this document?. |Here is information about the law requiring the form be given to employees of certain state and local governments when they pay into a retirement plan other than Social Security. They want you to understand the Windfall Elimination Provision and the Government Pension Offset Provision and how it can affect your Social Security benefits.. . New legislation [Section 419(c) of Public Law 108-203, the Social Security Protection Act of 2004] requires State and local government employers to provide a statement to employees hired January 1, 2005 or later in a job not covered under Social Security. The statement explains how a pension from that job could affect future Social. Security benefits to which they may become entitled.. . Form SSA-1945, Statement Concerning Your Employment in a Job Not Covered by Social Security, is the document that employers should use to meet the requirements of the law. The SSA-1945 explains the potential effects of two provisions in the Social Security law for workers who also receive a pension based on their work in. a job not covered by Social Security. The Windfall Elimination Provision can affect the amount of a worker?s Social Security retirement or disability benefit. The Government Pension Offset Provision can affect a Social Security benefit received as a spouse or an ex-spouse.. . Employers must:. ? Give the statement to the employee prior to the start of employment;. ? Get the employee?s signature on the form; and. ? Submit a copy of the signed form to the pension paying agency.|We need some help with a employment based green card application. What documentation should we submit with it.|I am assisting a friend get her Green Card. She is employed by a very small and relatively new business that is just getting off the ground. . . The application will be for an employment based green card (EB2). Because of the expense, her boss wants to prepare and submit her I-140 and I-485 instead of hiring an immigration attorney. Of course, she will be involved in the process to assist her employer in filling out the forms and gathering necessary documentation. She already has her labor certification and has done her medical. . . We are waiting for the October Visa Bulletin to see if visas will be available in October and her employer hopes to submit the forms together. . . What information does her employer have to (or should) submit with the green card application, given it is a small, but legitimate, start up business? Any other tips in preparing or submitting the paperwork. Thanks.. |How do you attach the employment verification form to your working holiday visa for Austarlia online?|I am trying to complete my online second year working holiday visa and I understand that I need to have an employment verification form completed and attached but I can’t
    see where you attach it. Can anyone help as the Austarlian Government website isn’t very helpful.. Also does this form need to be printed and then scanned attached again in order to get your employers signature?. Should I send anything else with the application is order to hurry it along?. Thanks. |When lodging your second Working Holiday visa application, you should use the attachment facility at the end of the online application to attach your form 1263 ? Employment Verification. . . The employment verification form should be completed and signed by your employe before you submit it with your 2nd WHV application. You should also attach evidence of the specified work and additional evidence that could include original or certified copies of payslips, group certificates, payment summaries, tax returns and employer reference (references should detail the specified work performed). Providing this evidence with this form will enable your application to be assessed more quickly.|When making estimated tax payments to the IRS, do I need to include an amount to cover self-employment taxes?|I am a self-employed consultant as of this year, so I am responsible for both income and self-employment taxes. If I cover all income taxes due with estimated taxes during the year, but do not include funds to cover SE taxes until I file in 2009, will it appear on my filing next April that I have under-paid, incurring penalties and interest?. |Your estimated payments are supposed to include all taxes due including Self Employment taxes.. . If you don’t,
    you could have penalties for underpayment of estimated tax payments.
    |What are your predictions for the economy employment taxes and foreign/domestic policy over the next 2 – 5 yr?
    |2012 ( a lot has been conjectured about that
    date ) though to 2015 . . Economy ? . . Employment ?
    . . Taxes ? . . International relations and foreign policy
    ? (Israel Iran China Russia Pakistan Iraq etc etc ) . . Domestic policy ?

    (Stripped naked and X rayed twice before being allowed into the bank or the air port People singing
    in streets ?. |As I gaze into my Crystal ball, I see . . . .
    . .. Economy=Stabilizing because of national health care.. Employment=More small
    business start-up’s because of national health care.. Taxes=The Rich and Stupid are still crying about them.. . The rest of it;. At a International meeting, Brownies with a high THC content are served to all the delegate’s and a world PEACE Accord is
    signed and made International Law.. . (If the good Lord is willing and the creeks don’t rise!)|What if my past employment does not show up on my background check?|The background check is for criminal offenses only. . . They only go by the employment history listed on your application. If they want to verify that you worked there, they will call them. Legally, they are only allowed to ask former employers if you indeed worked for them or not, on what dates, and if you are eligible for rehire. Some major corporations will not even talk about former employees to avoid any litigation.|What are the employment figures for the legalization of marijuana?|I don’t understand
    business law and marijuana is generally illegal but is now scientifically considered
    a safer drug than alcohol and less addictive. Petitions and bills have been written
    and it looks like it might be up for legalization in a
    couple states. If legalized in several states,
    what are the repercussions against state government versus federal
    government? If legalized what type of employment would
    it bring under these circumstances? What
    would be a years worth of pay as a worker and and as management?
    Might legal troubles affect the workers such as fines?
    . |Employment would consist of manufacture/growing, distribution, and sales, just like with tobacco or alcohol.
    The pay rates would be similar. It’s just basic common sense. It’s a new product, that’s all. It will have the same issues as any new product at the state level.|How many of your professional employment references did they actually call?|I was applying at a company that wanted me to list 6 professional employment references. I asked them if they would really call that many, and they said yes. In some jobs more than ten are required they told me. . . How many of your professional references did your employers call?. |I’ve always been asked for at least 3
    and usually at least 2 are confirmed. Usually employers want
    3 personal references, and 3 work references.
    So what they’ll do is ask you for employment references and then ask 3 of those to tell them about your character; while the other 3 about your work ethics and your work skills.|What are the projected employment prospects of a paediatric nurse?|For my Planning class (life and career assessment class), I have to research a career that I would be interested in and present my findings to the class. The career that I found would be Paediatric Nurse. Well, we need to find out the projected employment prospects and I can’t seem to
    find a site with a good answer. Does anyone have a good answer for me?

    . . Thank you.. |What information is provided when a finance company calls
    for Proof of Employment?|When a finance company, say a car dealership
    or realtor calls your place of business for proof of
    your employment, what information are they legally allowed to give.
    What can they not give? I typically google this stuff myself but nothing I find matches
    my question exactly. Thanks in advance!. |They typically verify your employment
    dates and salary. For the most part there are no
    restrictions on what they reveal, as long as it’s factual.|What happens to the employment records of a privately owned Hospital after they close down?|My husband used to work at Whitestone Hospital in New York. We are trying to find some type of proof of employment so that he can apply for his pension benefits.. |Try the Social Security Administration. . . Their records will show how much was paid into your husband’s account by each of his employers.
    That information should be sufficient to prove employment.
    . . Hope this helps. Jerry-the-bookkeeper. |How is a potential employer supposed
    to verify past employment/references?|My past employers all have policies where they will verify employment but will not serve
    as a reference. Yet, many of the places I
    have applied tell me they will call these people and request
    a reference anyway. Prior to being let go at the last company I was employed at, I had been professionally
    employed for 13 years and was at each employer
    2-3 years. I have great experience and do not want this to hinder the process.
    Thanks for your advice on what I should do.. |There are many HR and privacy laws that prohibit companies from discussing many of the
    items about your employment. What I have done to change this is list
    the Human Resources Manager as the contact for the job, so they can verify
    that I was employed there, dates of employment,
    and job title. Then I have listed my immediate manager for a reference.
    While they may say they will provide a reference, they may decide
    not to when called.|What good career jobs can you get without
    a degree nor college?|I have a learning disability and I was in special education when I was in high school.
    Are there any good career jobs I can get without a degree nor attending college?
    . . Serious answers only please. . . thanks.
    |Hi there .. . ok .. You get in touch with me .. send me an email or just IM me and i will offer
    u something .. who knows .. might work .. sorry cant
    talk about it here .. . take care .. will be waiting for ya |Are there any good career jobs you can get without a college degree?
    |I would like to get a good career job without having to get a college degree, I wanna make somewhere around $15-20 an hour, I’m currently a part time employee at Shopko (department store) for over 6 years now and I can only earn up to a certain amount to keep my dissability income, plus I’m 25 years
    old and I still live at home with my mother, are there any suggestions for me to get a good career job
    without having to go to college, I have a learning dissability and I
    was in special education when I was in high school.
    . . Right now I’m saving up to get myself a vehicle so I can get myself motivated for a career job.. |There are a number of occupations that don’t require a college education.

    Are you willing/able to learn a trade such as mechanic, HAVC, refrigeration,
    plumber, etc? Other skills that are good to develop are those involving computers.
    It could be a technician or word procesing, or data entry.
    |What are some careers/jobs that work around comedians
    or comedy?|What are some careers/jobs that work around comedians
    or comedy? Like, working in a comedy club or something like that?
    . |Standup Comic, Comedian. . Joke, Gag, Sketch, Skit Spec
    Script and Screenplay Writer: . Sell to other comedians,
    tv shows. . Manager – gets comedian gigs, provides feedback on material|How do you get a career/job?
    (Preferable salary, with benefits) I fax, and or email and
    or snail mail and or?|How do you get a career/job?
    (Preferable salary, with benefits) I fax, and or email and or
    snail mail and or drop off my resume and or portfolio to ever place I can.
    I call places. I am in the IL Army National Guard and have a Bachelors Degree.
    I am willing to relocate. I tried government/civil servant and private
    companies. Any suggestions or comments please let me know.
    THANK YOU!. |Please prepare a good resume and post it on job portals for free !
    . Jobs will pour in !!|What is the best career job search site?
    I have been on careerbuilder; indeed; does it help to get on ladders?
    |What is the best career job search site? I have been on careerbuilder; indeed; does it help to get
    on ladders or anything like that or pay for one of those things that will get your resume out to a lot of different employers; are there
    head hunters anymore; I have a great resume but cannot find anything;
    any advice would be appreciated.. |What is the best career job site to post resume in Silicon Valley?
    |What is the best career job site to post resume in Silicon Valley?
    . |Is it possible to get a good career job without going to college?
    |Is it possible to get a good career job without
    going to college if you have a good work record and that
    you’ve been at your job for almost a decade? I’m 27 years old and I’ve been working at the same job since I was 19 years old and I work at a department store, I hve a very good work record and I haven’t called
    in sick for 2 and a half years now.. |It will depend on your field.
    For instance, you do not need a degree to push a post hole digger (phd,
    get it). But, you will need a degree if you want
    to practice law or engineering.. . If you have a great job, with a great company –
    stick with it. If they are willing to promote you without a degree
    then stick with it.. . However, look down the road and ask yourself, what will I want when
    I am 40 years old? Will I want to move to an industry that will hire
    me without a degree?. . The sad thing is, at least in my industry, there are many companies that will not consider you without
    a masters now.. . But, on the bright side, 10
    years experience in the same field is about the same as a degree.
    But, when you are 50, do not be surprised after looking back you see the
    missed opportunities or income because you did not get a degree.
    |what careers/jobs are best for a financial advisor that wants to transition out of financial sales?
    |Are there industries, careers, jobs that a financial advisor’s skill sets transition to relatively well? I have tired of living off commission sales and want a job with a somewhat stable $50k plus salary.. |You can take CFA and become a financial analyst. A more behind the scene type of job rather than selling products.. . You can take CFP and become a financial planner. Work for yourself or with other personal financial management firms.. . If you are more mathematical and analytical then CFA is probably better. If you like to work more directly with customers, then CFP probably works for you. Either way $50k is reasonable to obtain.. . Best wishes.|What is a good website to look up different careers/jobs?|I need a website that has a lot of different options of different careers/jobs. A website that will show all the information about the job, such as, schooling, money, etc.. |Where I am from, the province has a website with Occupational Profile Information, which provides everything you need to know about any job. It will tell you your job responsibilities, what education is required, as well as what the average wages are for that occupation. The site will also tell you the occupational outlook of that career, ie) what is to be expected for employment turnouts in the next few years.|Besides astrophysics what career job can I get under physics?|Besides astrophysics what career job can I get under physics?. . I don’t want to
    be a teacher / professor. Nor do I want to get
    into astronomy.. . So what can I do with a Phd in physics?
    . |What future career/job that has to do with alot of typing?
    |My only talent is typing real fast, I can type up to
    105 words per minute, and well.. I mean why not haha any
    future career/job that has to do with typing, or even part time job as a teenager?
    . |Secretaries do a lot of typing – more than an admin assistant or PA would.
    In particular legal and medical secretaries, and they can make a bucketload
    of money! I looked into doing that a while back, my
    local college did an evening course in medical terminology so have a look
    for something like that – which may be free if you’re still a teenager. Any other qualifications such as OCR will really help you get a job (used to be called RSA which are always asked for on that kind of job vacancy). Other than that just go to all the employment agencies and ask – that’s usually
    the place companies wold go if they wanted something very specific like a typist, and some agencies like Adec

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